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Send Postcards to Your Legislator

Thank you for your interest in our Health Now! Massachusetts Postcard Campaign.

Your mission is to hand out Health Now! postcards to friends, neighbors, co-workers and ask them to fill them out and mail them in to their own State Representative and State Senator.

To insure a safe delivery, you might want to collect the postcards and mail them in yourself, especially if you have distributed them at a community meeting. (It’s only a 20 cent stamp, and Health Now! will be happy to reimburse you for the postage.)

If folks don’t know their State Representative or State Senator, you can help them call the Secretary of State’s office at 1/800-392-6090 or check the Secretary of State’s website at

Please call Karla Fortunato at 617-275-2928 with your address and the number of postcards you will need.

Thank you for your help!



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HealthNow! The Massachusetts Chapter of the Alliance for a Healthy New England
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30 Winter Street
Boston, MA 02108